June 25, 2019

About Us


Midwest TelNet (MWT) and Tri-County Communications Cooperative (TCC), two of the three owner companies of MVS, built headends
to provide a cost-effective solution for local telcos to enter the video business.  Originally, the two shared headends, with a split
ownership structure among nine companies in Wisconsin, then joined forces with WIN Technology, the third owner of MVS.  The
objective of joining forces to form MVS was to expand its resources, expertise, and offerings; and since MVS was established, it has
expanded to offer MPEG4 IPTV, streaming, transport, middleware management, content, encoding, network monitoring and
other advanced services to companies throughout the midwest.


Our Mission Statement:

MVS is the preferred provider of reliable live streaming services for our local broadband providers.



The following map shows the MVS transport network, which shows where we have connectivity.
Click the map for the full-sized view.

Technically, MVS can serve any video provider in the world where there is reliable transport.  In fact, one of its specialty members is the United States
Air Force in Japan.  More and more
video providers across the country are considering MVS.  Even companies already in the video business are
turning to MVS.  They can greatly
reduce their costs by retiring their headend, eliminating maintenance and reducing capital costs for new equipment
and upgrades.  MVS’s team of video experts
can also help minimize the need for expensive local video employees.